Complexity vs. Simplicity

Complexity vs. Simplicity

The Textbook


A Five Week Course in Critical Thinking 

Dr. Eli Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints (TOC) is perhaps the most profound application of Cause & Effect Logic ever. In the world of business philosophies, this one stands heads above the others in no small measure. Why? Goldratt talks of standing on the shoulders of those great thinkers that came before him!

SKI selected this text in particular because his mentor, Bill Dettmer (a Jonah’s Jonah), wrote it after a number of other books and much research on TOC. In fact, SKI completed The Logical Thinking Process (TLTP) instruction and Certificate via Dettmer’s personal guidance over twenty years ago.

Over thirteen years ago SKI completed training and also became a Jonah’s Jonah, which is to say he has been “creating” Jonahs in TLTP. In the LEAN world, practitioners at the top of their game are called black belts. In TOC, we take the name of the enlightened professor in Goldratt’s business novel (based on real case studies), The Goal—A Process Of On-Going Improvement.

That is correct, the book is not a “feel good” fairy tale but a real life example.

Yes, one which only took 90 days to move heaven and earth.

What are you waiting for?



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