A Day On The Road

A Day On The Road

[Dateline—April 3, 2024] New Philadelphia to Mount Vernon, OH

 67 Miles and Charging

Leaving New Phila with only 67 Miles for a trek of 72 Miles would be a mistake. So I added 88 for a total of 155. Not really enough for a round trip, as the charging rate had dropped to 62kW and would delay my arrival. 

As you can see in this map from #plugshare there are Chargers along the path coming back. No worries. For the most part, Tesla drivers do not have range anxiety. 

I did miss my turn as State Route 36 turns into SR-16 in Coshocton. The next available right hand turn became somewhat of cross-country adventure, but the in X is was "game on!"

 Avoid the LEFT Turn

One of life's lessons I am always re-learning the hard way. #ouch

In this case, by NOT turning right to stay on SR-36, I made a left turn. Those extra miles and up and down the hills repeatedly would exact a toll. Fun is rarely free.

So... when I completed my trip to a client's site and headed back, I was faced with a decision. Only 45 miles State of Charge an 46° with rain on the horizon. In an electric car that means wipers and lights running out the juice. Plus, the defroster on occasion. And some heat for the human element of the equation.

Being very sensible, Tesla suggests a 14 mile trek (out of the way) to the Supercharge in Mt. Gilead. No way! 14 miles becomes 28 or more to get home.

Gambier it is!

What a cool location for three Chargers. Two Tesla and one J1772. So time to eat and grab some miles. 45 minutes later I leave with "just enough" to get home. 64 miles. Unless of course it rains. A lot. Of course it does!

Tune in tomorrow for... "The Rest of The Story!"



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